Friday, October 3, 2008

How does time get away?

What happened? I haven't blogged in months. It seems life has a funny way of manipulating us and taking us here and there without us even realizing it!! I have been extremely busy. Most of my time has been spent with my nose to the grindstone taking in as much information as I can to be a successful trainer in Les Mill's Body Pump.

I hope to find some free time soon and enjoy the upcoming Fall weather! This is my favorite time of the year. The days shorten, the weather cools, the squirrels are desperately burying goods for the winter. Food at this time is also my favorite! I crave the deep tastes of caramelized mushrooms, braised meats, Butternut squash with sage brown butter - I must stop here!!

Take some time for yourself before the crazy holiday season wraps you up and traps you like a prisoner! Remember what's important and just breathe!

My Favorite Places to eat in The Woodlands

  • America's
  • Black Walnut Cafe
  • Cru
  • Hubell & Hudson Bistro
  • Jasper's
  • Lupe Tortilla