Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dance, Dance, Dance with Fred Astaire

If you are a fan of Dancing with the Stars and dream of being able to float around the floor, you have to check this place out! They are located at 506 Sawdust Road, Spring, Texas 77380 (right next door to Pump it Up! )

Fred Astaire Dance Studios is owned by one of the friendliest couples in town, Mark and Stephanie Adler. Stephanie is from Germany and has been dancing since she was a little girl. She has been a competitor for many years and tears up the dance floor! If you are fortunate enough to get a lesson with Stephanie, don't be put off by her passion and drive. She has a way of getting you to do things that you never thought possible. She has molded several Woodlands residents into dancers who have won numerous competitions!

The rest of the staff is a talented mix as well. The Woodlands is crawling with wonderful dancers/instructors. You can choose your level of dance with Fred Astaire. Maybe you just want to be able to dance at your friend's wedding? Great! They have a program for you! Maybe you want to be able to handle any social dance situation - they can make that happen! Or, if you have hopes and dreams of someday being a competitor, then this is also the place to be! Also, parents of teens - their youth program is the place to be! They learn great social skills as well as dancing skills. It also keeps them involved and out of trouble - sounds like a win/win situation to me!

Students will learn the basics first with either private or group instruction. Once the basic footwork is mastered, they will move you on to styling. That's were the fun begins! The studio is constantly having parties and get-togethers. If you are new to The Woodlands or are just looking for a change of pace in your social life they have plenty to keep you busy!

Stop in, say HI, tell them Andrea sent you! Then get out your dancing shoes and have a great time!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Gold's Gym Conroe LAUNCHES Body Step!

Kia Ora all you LMI fanatics! Gold's Gym Group X has another challenging program in it's repertoire. Body Step is an interval based class that will push your cardiovascular system to the limit! Steppers start out with a nice easy warm-up to prepare the body for the 55 minute cardio workout. They then move on to a nice Step Orientation which will familiarize them with the height and feel of the step all while moving on/off and around the bench. The program then picks up the pace with a Step Warm Up where the intensity starts to pick up slightly and more directional movement is added.

Track four comes along and takes Steppers to their first Power Peak!!! This sets the tone for the rest of the class. Heart rate climbs, sweat starts to trickle and you get a taste of what it's like to climb the intensity ladder. Work on a "delicious" back side with Fergie in the house for track five! Mixed strength is the goal - you will squat till ya drop! Incredible leg conditioning here folks! Track Six is Step athletic. Members will drill very basic athletic movements all while starting low then building up to their highest level. For Body Step 69 the thought process for this track is train like a Basketball player. Lots of shuffling and power across the tops. We bring it down a notch and bust out the running man in Step Recovery. Great fun but still working the legs and glutes.

Track eight is Party Step - light hearted, fun lyrics, a little more choreography and overall a really good time! Track nine brings speed into the equation. How fast and light can you be? That's your challenge all while keeping a nice stable core! We raise the bar one last time with a Power Peak in track ten. This is the challenge - get through it and you are a winner in every sense of the word!

Track 11 brings everyone down to the floor for some cross training. Upper body includes the beloved push-up, back extensions, and a little stabilization work for the core. Track twelve is our final track where we relax, stretch, laugh a little, connect with each other and leave the work out feeling energized and successful!

Body Step is for anyone! Movements are basic, athletic, powerful and can be adapted for all fitness levels. Come check it out with me on Wednesday mornings at 8:30! Be there or be square!

Friday, January 11, 2008

I wouldn't Fart in your Face!!!

So don't blow your nasty, stinky, toxic second-hand smoke in mine!!! Let's get a grip here folks, how many studies have to be done to demonstrate just how terrible smoking is to your health.

We decide to grab a quick dinner at Rico's in Alden Bridge last night. As usual, the wait is crazy and the restaurant is overflowing with people waiting for tables. Due to the lack of space you are forced to huddle like a bunch of fools at the entrance or you can stand outside and freeze or sweat to death or you can wait in the bar. I would normally choose the latter and relax with a beverage while I wait for my table. However, if this choice is made you are forced to sit among the gray cloud that hovers over everyone like a blanket of filth coating your lungs with tar and other carcinogens. Lovely.

Ladies and gents, this is Montgomery County, Texas. Compare that to ummmmm, let's say an ENTIRE country better known as France. Personally, I'm not a fan of the French but you have to hand it to them, they have their act together. In a country where the majority of the population smokes they have (drum roll please) BANNED smoking in all restaurants (gasp)!!! So have other cities and states in the US. Phoenix, AZ comes to mind. I'm not a big fan but California's got it going on as well. You can go to a club in Newport Beach dance your butt off, enjoy a cocktail and have a great time smoke free! Wow, what a concept! When you get home your hair doesn't smell, your clothes don't smell and you aren't coughing like you have a bad case of bronchitis.

Why can't we do this in our little neck of the woods? Let's see, the restaurants/bars might argue "We'll lose money, we'll lose customers". Yes, maybe a few but the plus side is that you will gain all of the other customers who avoid your establishments like the plague because they quite frankly smell like the bottom of an ashtray.

We will no longer dine at Perry's due to the smoke that wafts it's way out of the bar and winds it's wretched self around you like a snake. We used to have to send our wine glasses back because they were hung in the bar and they wreaked of smoke. Wine and cigarettes, not a popular pairing as far as I know!

Secondly, Kirby's is just as bad (not to mention the fact that their food tastes like a Sysco dumping ground). We went once and will never return. I would love to go and listen to the music but I refuse to sit there while inebriated, injected, overfilled, over-plumped cougars on the prowl french inhale and blow theirs remain in my face. Nastay!

Those are just a couple of the worst places in The Woodlands for smoke. Amerigo's is a loser in that department as is Carraba's, and Cru. Let's just stop there - Cru a Wine bar!!! If you are truly going to enjoy a glass of wine it should be swirled, sniffed and savored. Not drank and drowned out by the smell of nicotine!!! C'mon guys!

At least Martinis and More got it right and got rid of the smoking. They had to redo the entire interior of the establishment when the change was made due to the lingering odors. I believe their business is doing just fine.

At least a few establishments in the area have it right:
La Mesa Mexican Bistro
PF Chang's
Tommy Bahama

Who do we contact to do something about this problem? Please share information and let's do something about it!

I realize for most smokers it is an addiction that they would love to leave behind them. Do I have friends who smoke? You bet but they have the courtesy not to bring it around me. As I said, I wouldn't fart in your face so please be kind enough not to smoke in mine!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Try La Mesa Mexican Bistro!

We had another amazing dinner at La Mesa the other evening. This nice addition to The Woodlands dining scene is brought to us by Schiller-Del Grande and Bella Restaurant Group. It is located across from they Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavillion on the corner of Lake Robbins and Six Pines.

There is no resemblance to it's former entity - Taco Milagro. La Mesa is sophisticated and is perfect for groups of friends looking for a place to chill or for a nice evening out with someone special.

The menu is full of choices all of which stay under the $20 range for entrees. Ingredients are fresh, flavorful and a bit daring. We always start out with the Mexican Ceviche which is chock full of fish, scallops, shrimp and calamari.  Pair that with a crisp glass of Spanish Albarino and you will start your meal off with a smile. I was on a seafood kick last week and tried the Crepe Del Mar which is described as a Corn meal crepe filled with shrimp, scallops, crab meat, spinach and Mexican cheese topped with roasted tomato butter sauce. It was very light and was bursting with seafood! I asked them to go light on the sauce and they kindly obliged. I paired this with a buttery glass of their Chilean Montgrass Chardonnay.  My husband had the Roasted Duck Enchiladas with were covered in a rich, dark mole sauce which contains chocolate! Yum! Where else in The Woodlands can you find food like this?

They boast a great selection of value priced wine that you won't find at every chain you frequent. Happy Hour is Monday-Friday from 4-7 pm with three dollar Beers, Cosmos, Ritas: $1 off on all wines by the glass and their famous Tequila Flights!! The appetizer menu is quite lengthy so you aren't stuck with the typical fair found at most establishments.

Service is friendly and has a few kinks to work out. Sometimes the wait staff can be a little hurried and at other times non-existent but I truly believe this is something that will get better with time. Go give it a try - you won't be disappointed!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Body Combat 34

Took the afternoon today to learn the latest Body Combat release from Les Mills. What a great release!! It starts off with sort of a techno sound in the upper body warm up where we see the return of the knife strike and the "bob". This is mixed in with some nice shuffles to get the body moving. The lower body warm up rocks! Scooter is in da house!!! Love him! We have the shuffle ginga which just looks bad @$$!! No ESK this round but they definitely make up for it later on. Tracks 2 & 3 flow nicely and send us into full Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle mode for Track 4! Welcome back to the jump kick and mix it up with the shuffle ginga and this one knocks it out of the park. Great leg conditioning track thanks to the Vaux! Track 5 introduces a new kicking Kata and semi-contact point fighting. They promised us 35% more kicks and this baby serves it up right with a bit of 'tude! Muay Tai takes hold with a rockin beat that drills the treble elbow and repeater rear knee. Lots of repetition means your members will grasp it quickly and be able to put all of their effort into the workout! We finish off the cardio conditioning with an amazing track 8 that stays true to form with high repetitions of Jabs, Uppers and Hooks. The push up/ab track is a major challenge. Lots of small ranges of motion done at quick tempo get it done and get it done quick! Thanks Dan and Rach for bringing back a nice choreographed cool down. We play with the "forks" - you know the weapons, not the utensils! Overall, BC 34 gets 10 out of 10 stars from moi! Kia Kaha!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Okay, here first post!

I decided to start a blog for the year 08. Why? Well, why not? What a great way to get your thoughts down and share them with others. I was a journalism major in college and I love to write so this will be my outlet for all of my random thoughts.

Where to start?
Thought one for 08 - Wal-Mart sucks! Yep, totally  - can't stand it, loathe it, avoid it like the plague. So yesterday we need outdoor spot lights to help save our plants for the upcoming freeze our weatherman are so happy to share with us. Being the Wal-Mart hater that I am, I suggest a trip to this mega-mart to save us a 30 minute drive to another store. Needless to say, we get our stuff home and low and behold one of our items is broken and doesn't work. So we pile back in the car and head back to Wally world. We get the glorious opportunity to stand in the line for Returns/exchanges. What is it about the people that staff these types of establishments? Their only power in life is to move as slowly as possible and make you wait as they take their sweet time having meaningless conversations with their coworker who is holding another poor person hostage at the counter. They avoid all eye contact with you, they let you know just how bad they don't want to be there and that they have better things to do. Well maybe that's why they are working at Wally World and are stuck behind the oh-so-appropriately named "Customer Service" Counter! What a joke! Moral to the story, never give in again to that devil that shouted "just give Wal-Mart" one more try! 


My Favorite Places to eat in The Woodlands

  • America's
  • Black Walnut Cafe
  • Cru
  • Hubell & Hudson Bistro
  • Jasper's
  • Lupe Tortilla