Thursday, January 3, 2008

Body Combat 34

Took the afternoon today to learn the latest Body Combat release from Les Mills. What a great release!! It starts off with sort of a techno sound in the upper body warm up where we see the return of the knife strike and the "bob". This is mixed in with some nice shuffles to get the body moving. The lower body warm up rocks! Scooter is in da house!!! Love him! We have the shuffle ginga which just looks bad @$$!! No ESK this round but they definitely make up for it later on. Tracks 2 & 3 flow nicely and send us into full Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle mode for Track 4! Welcome back to the jump kick and mix it up with the shuffle ginga and this one knocks it out of the park. Great leg conditioning track thanks to the Vaux! Track 5 introduces a new kicking Kata and semi-contact point fighting. They promised us 35% more kicks and this baby serves it up right with a bit of 'tude! Muay Tai takes hold with a rockin beat that drills the treble elbow and repeater rear knee. Lots of repetition means your members will grasp it quickly and be able to put all of their effort into the workout! We finish off the cardio conditioning with an amazing track 8 that stays true to form with high repetitions of Jabs, Uppers and Hooks. The push up/ab track is a major challenge. Lots of small ranges of motion done at quick tempo get it done and get it done quick! Thanks Dan and Rach for bringing back a nice choreographed cool down. We play with the "forks" - you know the weapons, not the utensils! Overall, BC 34 gets 10 out of 10 stars from moi! Kia Kaha!

My Favorite Places to eat in The Woodlands

  • America's
  • Black Walnut Cafe
  • Cru
  • Hubell & Hudson Bistro
  • Jasper's
  • Lupe Tortilla